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When you discover that you have toenail fungus, you might feel embarrassed or self-conscious. At first, it can be difficult to decide what to do next. One thing you shouldn’t jump into, though: is a nail salon.

When you visit a nail salon for the first time after having been diagnosed with onychomycosis (toenail fungus), you might find that the salon’s policy doesn’t allow people with toenail fungus to get pedicures.

Of course, this immediately prompts questions about whether it is OK to get a pedicure if you have nail fungus — especially since your condition may be beginning to clear up.

A light, fungal nail infection can be treated with oral medications or topical treatments applied directly to the nails. If you find out that you do have toenail fungus, make an appointment with your doctor before attending a nail salon. When it comes time for your pedicure, try not to worry about what the technicians will think of your nails.

After all, most people with toenail fungus don’t show signs on the skin around the nails.


If you were diagnosed recently and your condition isn’t too severe, a technician may be able to help you determine whether there is any fungal involvement. If not, your pedicure should be safe — as long as you don’t have an open sore.

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If you think your nail salon does not allow clients with toenail fungus, it might be time to find a new one.

If the salon is unwilling to work around your condition, you should probably look for another place that can give you the pedicure you deserve.

Keep in mind that you should not have to compromise on quality just because you have nail fungus. Your health is the most important thing, of course, so always do what makes sense for your situation.

What Is Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is a common condition where fungi infect the surface of the nail and grow underneath it. Symptoms can include discomfort, pain, or itching around affected nails; discoloration or Opaque appearance; crumbling, brittle, or ragged nails; and foul odor.

Nails with more severe infections can be deformed or thickened, Curling or Lifting from the nail bed; peeling layers of the nail; splitting in half, and causing discomfort while wearing shoes. The skin around the nails may become infected (Paronychia).

How Is Toenail Fungus Spread?

Toenail fungus grows and multiplies in warm, dark, and moist places. Nails on the feet are especially susceptible because shoes provide the perfect environment for fungi to thrive. However, fungus between the toes can cause nail problems as well.

How Can You Get Infected with Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus often spreads in public places like locker rooms, communal showers, nail salons, and pools. Using someone else’s towel or razor can spread the infection as well.

Can I Get a Pedicure to Get Rid of the Toenail Fungus?

Yes. However, in some instances, a technician will tell you that your nails are too thick and cannot be thoroughly cleaned. Instead of being able to take care of the underlying condition with a pedicure, you may have to take oral medications or apply topical treatments yourself at home.

In other cases, your nails may be so long they cannot be filed down. If this is the case, you can ask your technician to cut them as short as possible without cutting into or through the nails.

Just be sure to avoid any nail technicians who make you feel uncomfortable and don’t try to trim your nails at home if they are too long — you could cause damage that only a technician should be able to fix.

In addition, the skin surrounding your nails may have a hard time healing if you contract a fungal nail infection. Toenail fungus can be very irritating and difficult to treat at times, so you must do what makes sense for your particular situation.

How Can I Take Care of My Feet at Home?

No one wants to have toenail fungus, but it can be even more frustrating if your pedicure appointment is canceled because of the condition. However, you should never allow an infection that could have been prevented with proper preventative care to interfere with your beauty routine.

On the other hand, some salons do allow seriously ill clients with nail fungus or other conditions that could cause infection to have regular treatments as long as they take certain precautions. Ask around until you find a salon that can accommodate you.

If you do go to a salon with precautions in place, be aware of any signs of infection after your appointment. Make sure the salon carefully disinfects everything before and after each service; if they do not, it could spread the infection even further.

Should I Get a Pedicure If I Have Toenail Fungus?

Things to consider:

  • You may not be able to receive the pedicure you deserve if you have nail fungus. Talk with your doctor or dermatologist about any concerns you may have before going ahead with a pedicure.
  • In addition, do what makes sense for your particular situation regarding how often you can get pedicures and where you can get them. If you have any concerns about a salon or nail technician, do not hesitate to find another location.
  • Seeing a doctor because of signs of infection after getting a pedicure elsewhere is always better safe than sorry. In addition, the proper precautions should be taken before and after your appointment to prevent further spreading of infections.

How to Avoid Toenail Fungus from Nail Salons

The only way to completely avoid getting a fungal infection from a pedicure is to not get one. If you do get infected, however, the best course of action is prevention rather than treatment.

To prevent nail fungus from spreading in salons, technicians should use clean tools and properly disinfect surfaces such as massage chairs and foot spas.

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What to Do if You Get a Fungal Infection after Getting a Pedicure

If you find out that you do have toenail fungus, make an appointment with your doctor before attending a nail salon. If the problem is already too severe or widespread for home treatment, ask whether or not this salon will be able to accommodate you.

Even if the salon can treat your condition, do not visit them until your treatment regimen has been completed at home. Continue taking any medications or applying any topical treatments as directed by your doctor. Most importantly, give your nails time to heal before getting a pedicure again.

Can You Get a Pedicure If You Have Toenail Fungus?

No one wants to have toenail fungus, but it can be even more frustrating if your pedicure appointment is canceled because of the condition. However, you should never allow an infection that could have been prevented with proper preventative care to interfere with your beauty routine.

Can You Get a Pedicure If You Have Toenail Fungus

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